Swearing is Caring
Swearing is Caring
Champlin, Minnesota – January 2019
So our gloves are not for everyone. Some people even take offense. Even been asked, "How could a mother of 3 sell these kinds of products?" Well, easy. One day this will pay for my Chipotle habit. That shizz ain't gonna pay for itself....
Clearly, at Flip ‘em the Bird we are pro-swearing and here are our minimally researched reasons why:
1) Swearing helps to withstand pain
--> "Shit, I just stepped on a muthaf*ckin lego."
2) Swearing relieves tension
--> "Those muthaf*ckin soccer shoes are gonna cost your GD college tuition."
3) Swearing with friends builds trust
--> "I don't know WTF that ref was thinking, but I am not gonna say a damn thing, she works at chipotle, ya know. Great Call Ref!"
4) Swearing is an emotional release
--> "Honk, Honk @$#%@^&^^@$$$ HOOOONNNNNKKKKK."
In the next phase of Flip'em the Bird, we will be giving back to those who need a stronger voice. It's called Swearing is Caring. We are dedicating time and money to various organizations whose mission and work are helping to create solutions in ending domestic violence. These organizations are leading the conversation to be part of the solution. Leading conversations in an open and constructive way to "help end the shame and stigma that domestic violence and sexual assault survivors are burdened with" (1). As Flip'em the Bird grows, we will continue to stand with people who need help, but don't always know how to ask for it.
Keep them birds high,
(1) “Domestice Violence Awareness Month.” FEW’s News, vol. 50, no. 5, Federally Employed Women, Inc., 1 Sept. 2018, p. 4.